
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Teacher: Tea Khachoshvili
Class: III grade
Overall Objective:   1.Students will learn the names of animals ( a monkey; an elephant; a lion; a crocodile/ an alligator; a cow; a dog; a horse; a sheep; a cat;     a pig.)    2. Students will develop awareness of the diversity of animals in the jungle and on the farm. 3. Students will be able to classify the animals
Warm up: Teacher asks students : “ Have you ever been to the zoo? “, “ what animals have you seen in the zoo? “, “what animals do you have in your house?” (5mn)
Activity 1: Teacher shows the clips about animals in the jungle and on the farm and asks them to write down the names of animals which they watch. ( students may write the in Georgian and teacher helps them to translate ones) . After this teacher asks them to say the names and writes the answers on the flip chart. Then she asks them to mime the animals from the clips. (7mn)

Activity 2: Teacher asks the students to read the names of animals which are written on the flipchart with pictures. (3mn)
Activity 3: Teacher distributes the papers with small, simple text “Animals” and asks them to read silently and underline the names of animals. After this she asks them to compare their texts and after this they say the words in groups. (10mn)
Activity 4: Teacher distributes the papers to the students with a chart of animals in the jungle and animals on the farm and asks them to classify them in the chart  in groups. After this she asks them to write these words on the flip chart and make a presentation. (10mn)
Activity 5:  Teacher distributes the papers with questions and asks them to answer and fill the crossword according to the questions. (8mn)
Activity 6/Homework: Teacher asks the students to do the exercise yes/no  according to the text.(2mn)

Monday, March 4, 2013

gakvetilis gegmebi

Teacher: Thea khachoshvili
Class: II grade
Overall Objective: Students will develop awareness of people involved in laws and learn new words:  a parliament; a law; a policeman; a judge; a citizen;
Language Objective: Students will be able to use new vocabulary to describe basic tasks and jobs.
Civic Educational Objective: Students will be able to describe the relationship between some careers and the law.

Warm up: Teacher plays the clip of police anthem and students listen to it. After listening and watching it the teacher asks them what about this song. What the policemen do. ( 5 mn )
Activity 1: Teacher shows a picture of old and new building of parliament and asks them what building they are, where is the new parliament. What is the role of parliament. After this the teacher distributes the papers with some words and read them loudly and translate these ones in English. She asks the students to read these words silently. After reading the teacher reads each word loudly and asks the students to say “ yes” if they agree and “ no” if they do not agree. After this she explains  the students they make a law about their classroom rules. And parliament makes the laws these way. (10 mn )
Activity 2: Teacher shows the picture of policeman and asks students what is this person and what this person does. After this she shows them a picture of judge and asks them what is this person and what this person does. ( 5 mn )
Activity 3: Teacher distributes the flip charts with the words (Parliament-make a law; Policeman - enforce the law; Judge – enforce the law; Citizen – obey the law.) and pictures in groups and asks them to stick the pictures on their appropriate place. After this she asks them to make a presentation. (10 mn )
Activity 4: Teacher distributes the papers with new words in broken lines and asks them to write these ones. ( 10 mn )
Activity 5 / Homework: Teacher distributes the papers with new words in Georgian and in English and asks them to match these ones. (5mn )