- This day was quite different from other days. We had to plan and deliver a micro-training sessions ourselves. Before this we were divided in three groups. Ten teachers were in one group. We wrote a a plan of our training and we would demonstrate activities. We had only 20 minutes to deliver the session.
One of us was delivering a training, our trainer Kevin ( he is very helpful and supportive) and one of the group members were observing it and making notes.
At the end of my training, other members and our trainer gave me feedback, which was very useful and interesting process for my self-assessment.
That was very good excperience for all of us.
My plan ( it is wriiten for one hour) :
Objective: Teacher will plan scaffolding lesson with sequences of activities.
Warm up: Trainer does the activity about how to get to know each other. (e.g Teachers stand in a circle and say their first name and adjective with first letter) ( 5 mn)
Activity1: Trainer reads some sentences and Teachers should lesten carefully. ( 1. This person was a phsycologist; 2. He proposes that social interaction plays a foundamental role in the development of cognition; 3. The learner does not learn in isolation; 4. It helps students to develop inner or egocentric speach.) Then she\he asks some questions. Teachers write down them on the board ( 10mn)
Lev Vygotsky
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Sociocultural theory ZPD ( zone of proximal developmwnt)
( questions: 1. What is this theory and who is the founder of this theory; 2. What is the concept of the theory; 3. When does the teacher activate this zone; 4. Which teaching strategies originate from this theory.) ;
Activity 2: Trainer distributes some slips of paper with activities from a lesson plan and Teachers put them in order ( to sequence the activities) . Trainer elicits the answers. ( 5 mn )
Activity 3:Trainer gives the topic to the teachers and asks them to write a lesson plan. Teachers work in groups. (20mn)
Activity 4: Teachers stick their lesson plan on the wall and share them and ask some questions to each other. (10mn)
Activity 5: Trainer asks some questions and Teachers write them down. Think about these and share their ideas in pairs. Trainer elicits them. (10mn)
(Questions: 1. What did you learn? 2. Why is this topic important
3. How would you adopt the objective? 4. What were the steps of my workshop. )